A 21 yr old female with pyrexia and vomitings

Medical case disscussion 

July 23,2022

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent

Here we discuss our patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs.

This E log book also reflects my patient - centered online learning  portfolio and your valuable inputs inthe comment box are welcome.
Name : Jyothi Reddy 

Roll no : 44
I have been given this case to solve an attempt to understand the topic of "patient clinical analysis data " to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including clinical history,clinical findings, investigations and come up with a diagnosis and treatment plan

A 21 year old female patient from Islamilpalli, who's a Bsc nursing student came to the casuality with chief complaints of  
•Fever since 10am on 21/7/22
•Body pains
•Vomitings since 21/7/22 evening
•History on non-productive cough

A 21 year old female patients presenting with fever,insidious in onset,high grade,continous,associated with chills&body pain since 10 am 21/7/22

Vomitings on 21/7/22 evening 6 episodes , non bilious type,non-projectile, food particles and water as content,was associated with abdominal pain(h/o Outside food intake - corn,chicken on 20/7/22)

No H/o loose stools

No H/o cold,burning micturation,ear ache,tinnitus,shortness of breath,chest pain,palpitations,diarrhoea,eye pain

Daily routine :

 Wakes up at 7 am,do her regular activities,have breakfast and attend college classes,clinicals,have lunch at 1pm and attend college from 2-4pm , and having snacks on road side frequently, goes to bed at 10pm

Past history : 

Not a k/c/o diabetes/ hypertension/asthma/CAD/CVA/Epilepsy/Typhoid/Thyroid disorders

No previous surgical history.

Personal history :

•Diet : mixed

•Appetite :  decreased since yesterday

•Sleep :  distributed sleep because of chills and rigor

•Bowel  movements :

Vomitings since yesterday evening

•Bladder movements: Regular

•Addictions : None


Allergies :

 Allergic to potato , Roselle leaves and brinjal

Family history : not significant

Menstrual history : 

 Age of menarche : 12

 Duration of mensuration : 5 days

 LMP : 25/6/22

 Regular : 5/30

 No other Gynecologic problems

Immunization status : 

Vaccinated up to date

 Vaccinated for covid -19

      GENERAL EXAMINATION  •Patient is examined in a well lit room after obtaining consent

•Patient is conscious, coherent, cooperative.

 Well built and well nourished. 

 •Height -5'2

 • Weight - 55 kgs

•Pallor , Icterus,clubbing, cyanosis, koilonychia, edema are absent


Temp- Afebrile (100 f) 

Bp-100/80 mm hg

PR- 84bpm


Spo2- 99% on RA

GRBS : 102


RS- bilateral air entry present 

CVS : S1, S2 + no murmurs 

P/A- soft and non tender

bowel sounds present 

CNS : No focal neurological defeicit 

HMF intact 

Power in B/L upper and lower limb Is 5

Reflexes are present with B/L plantars and flexors


                                On 22/7/22


Complete urine examination 

Bleeding and clotting time

Chest x-ray


Petichiae on palate




✓ Plenty of  oral fluids 


75 ml / hr 

✓ Inj Xone 1gm IV /BD

✓Inj Mifenac  MR PO / BD

✓Tablet okacet PO/BD 

✓Tablet Doxy 100mg/PO/BD 

✓Tablet metaspas PO / BD

✓Inj Neomol IV /SOS

✓ Tablet PCM 600 mg PO / TID 


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